index of earlier blog entries
2008 • jan-mar
Diving bells and butterflies, idealistic fools, a death and a letter, advocates of tolerance, gay themes in video games, bad pharmaceuticals and bad porn, biological realities (genitalia edition), the rules of some polyamorous folks, a clarification, a six-part series on the sexual fluidity of women -- AND MORE!
The website begins, Anna becomes Anna, a look at “Big Love,” a reality show rears its head, on having female friends and not only lovers, polyamorous sharing is explored, negative reactions to polyamory are squinted at, a series “on jealousy and the lack thereof” appears -- AND MORE!
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2008 • apr-jul
Hot air gods, civility and materialism, irrational choices, carbon footprints, the (illusory) perfect woman, glorious and necessary political dissent, queerness and gender identity, Jenny and Freddy and Eddy, gobsmacked optimism, same-sex marriage, girl-kissing, sex as something fun -- AND MORE!
2008 • aug-sep
The mathematics of polyamory, Barcelona, terrorized social conservatives, all atheism considered, Alan Watts, the Thai and transgendered, human connection, the baser desires, body awareness, the female of the species, the naturalness of triads, Orwellian dystopias, biological clocks -- AND MORE!
2008 • oct-dec
Anatomy lessons and multiple parenting, the American election, undecided voters, same-sex marriage, the Mashed in Plastic album, human-animal coexistence, the ache of complacency, clichés and signifiers, snapshots from the Symbolic Age, Christmastime joy, looking ahead to the new year -- AND MORE!
2009 • jan-jun
The five-part Toward Happy series, sounds below the Antarctic ice, honorable ways of being with your partner(s), polyamory in print, Aimee Mullins and her many legs, an aural filmscape, knowledge versus belief, the fluidity of bisexuality, a new prom queen, conservative disgust -- AND MORE!
2009 • jul-dec
The present moment, the wandering mind, Thich Nhat Hanh, atheism redux, coverage of polyamory, more of the Symbolic Age, UFO 54-40, cooperative living, changes of season, a light and mindful life, Dan Savage on polyamory, the eyes of India, Ignorance and Want, Christmas -- AND MORE!
2010 • jan-jun
Polyamory treated mindfully in the media (in newspapers, online, on the radio), crop monoculture, sustainable fisheries, a series on psychotherapy and pharmaceuticals, online gaming and its possible effects, polyamory versus swinging, a righteous fight made quietly, taking a listen to silence -- AND MORE!
2010 • jul-dec
The “ordinary sexy” photo series, rice and stuff, more silence and more listening, rampant ignorance, evanescent substance, small farmsteads, the bronze tiger, atonement, more polyamory in the media, unicorns, the It Gets Better campaign, domestic familiarity, the soul that outweighs genitals, wassail -- AND MORE!
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The six-part polyfidelity series, the revised and expanded Ordinary Extraordinary, Dan Savage on marriage infidelity, perceptions of divorce, marriage equality, invisible minorities, secularism, The Practical Homestead and cohousing, poly people on TV, people opening up to polyamory, enlightenment -- AND MORE!.
The origins of human sexuality, lots of polyamory on TV, poly resources online, coming out, being sex-positive, poly coverage (in the NY Times, Huffington Post, Slate, and elsewhere), the right brain, triads in Australia and Brazil, an open letter from Alan and Anna, our experience on Reddit, the number 3, eudaimonia -- AND MORE!
Poly coverage from the BBC, CNN, NY Times, OWN, & many more media outlets, Anna on Professor Blastoff, Ellen and Margaret Cho, Maria Bello and Dan Savage, the love calculator, gay marriage advances, a survey of LGBT Americans, courts recognizing multiple parents, the lack of an endpoint to knowledge -- AND MORE!
Bisexuals exist!, sexual fluidity, multiple-parent legislation and building three-parent babies, a children’s book for alternative families, cohousing, Stephen Colbert eyes a triad, that Brooklyn poly building, Diana Adams & Elisabeth Sheff & Dear Prudence, More Than Two, lots and lots of big media coverage of polyamory -- AND MORE!
Ireland and the U.S. approve same-sex marriage, polyamory in advertising, poly in various media (a podcast, a book, an album), Ask Amy, compersion, three-person babies revisited, five-person parenting, Dani and Melinda and Jonathan, religion in decline, the Twin Oaks intentional community, three-person civil unions, a 46-year polyamorous relationship -- AND MORE!
A poly primer, plain and simple communication, explaining polyamory to your family, an election, the spectrum of fidelity, a three-person baby is born, poly households and kids of the polyamorous, coming out poly (and its pitfalls), the legal challenges of the polyamorous, Tig doc and pod talk, firmly kicking Scalia in the nuts, many wonderful poly testimonials and advice -- AND MORE!
Tons of consensual non-monogamy, the year of Professor Marston and the Wonder Women, learning that someone is polyamorous, looks at poly by CNN, WTTW & New York magazine, fantastic poly narratives abounding, the future of collaborative care, we move to the Bay Area, celebrating 20 years together and 10 years of The Ordinary Extraordinary blog -- AND MORE!
The lovely Nick Offerman, Joe Frank, The Future of Queer, polyamory on Slate, The Guardian, Broadly, and the Today show, more with the film Professor Marston and the Wonder Women, questions poly people are sick of hearing, the Canadian Supreme Court recognizes three parents in a polyamorous union, a look at atheism, polyamory, and Christmas -- AND MORE!